Technical Service
Cone calorimeter ISO 5660-1 & 2
Release time:909
The test method is used for fire technical modelling. The data from the test results can be used for modelling bigger fires. A fire sequence in the ISO 9705 – Room Corner Test and EN 13823 – SBI can for example be predicted using the ISO 5660 method. The cone calorimeter test is also largely used when testing products that are under development. A whole range of different data can be compared in order to eliminate products that will not have the sufficient fire characteristics.
The following parameters are measured when testing according to ISO 5660, heat release rate (kW/m2), total heat release (MJ/m2), mass loss (g/s), effective net heat of combustion (MJ/kg) and smoke production rate (m2/s). Levels of toxic gases can also be measured with FTIR analysis.
The test method is also used for third party verification (production control).